Alpha Lipid Lifeline Colostrum

Buy Alpha Lipid at Alipid with plenty of great deals plus amazing gifts.

Nutrition Information

Popular questions

What is the current expiry date?

June 2026 is the current expiry date.
Alipid frequently replenishes its stock of Alpha Lipid Lifeline, ensuring that our products are consistently the latest ones from the manufacturer in New Zealand.

What does alpha lipid do?

This powdered milk offers a nutritionally complete and balanced blend, combining colostrum, probiotics, vitamins, and minerals. It's designed to enhance your immune system and support your overall well-being, allowing you to embrace a healthy daily life.

What are the benefits of alpha lipids?

Alpha Lipid offers immune support, digestive health benefits, and nutritional support with a blend of colostrum, probiotics, vitamins, and minerals, promoting overall well-being.

How you takes alpha lipids?

Consume Alpha Lipid once daily, 30 minutes before breakfast. Blend 1.5 scoops of Alpha Lipid powder with 150-200ml of cold or warm water (avoid using hot water to prevent breaking the colostrum coating of Alpha Lipid). Shake thoroughly in a turbo shaker, drink the mixture and experience a sense of balance, health, and strength.

Alpha Lipid Lifeline is the powdered colostrum milk which brings your health to the next level by boosting the whole body immune system.

Benefits of Alpha Lipid Lifeline

What is Colostrum ?

Alpha Lipid technology